Another memeish thing.
Create your own! Originally Written By ga_woo, Hosted and ReWritten by darkman424
View ArticleTest
I am attempting a post using IM. Because I like playing with new technology more than I like caring about my livejournal.
View ArticleArticle 21
Anyone traveling through the SeaTac airport on 17 Dec and lost a bag where my contact info might have been in it should contact me; this bag will be donated on 2 Feb if the owner is not found. (Sounded...
View ArticleGeneral Information
Those wishing baked goods to be delivered to them should follow these steps:1. Acquire tin.2. Put name somewhere on or in tin.3. Deliver tin to me in some manner (in person, via mail, dragon post,...
View ArticleCake #2: Chocolate Cake with Blackberry Filling
So, not too long ago I attended a wedding, which included the baking of a seriously good looking cake. (I swear there's also cake under there.) I watched them making it Friday night/Saturday morning....
View ArticleCake #3: Apple Cake with Caramel Frosting
Cake three came from leahseraph demanding a cake. So I opened up my King Arthur's Cookbook and flipped through the one-bowl cakes. Seems like cheating to make the easy cakes, but cheating is tasty! So...
View ArticleUpdate
So, for people keeping track: I received one (1) tin in response to my previous post. The tin was filled with brownies and returned. I received many (more than two) verbal promises of tins. Verbal...
View ArticleAirport Security Question
I recently heard that laptops can be left in certain cases when going through airport security; specifically the sort of cases that are designed to hold only a laptop (essentially a protective sleeve)....
View ArticleAirport Security Addendum
I went through airport security with my laptop inside a zippered neoprene sleeve. No comment, which is the best one can expect from security.Myth confirmed.END OF LINE
View ArticleCake #4: Chocolate Strawberry
Alice asked for a chocolate cake with berries and cream cheese frosting for her birthday, and this is what I produced. It's another layer cake, and I think it may be about time to expand my repertoire...
View ArticleCake #5: Carrot Cake
CarrotCake.jpg Originally uploaded by KonomaigoI made this for Jess' going away party. She's off to adventure and excitement, so I thought I'd do what I can to contribute. (Not that I really approve of...
View ArticleCake 006: German Chocolate Cake
cake_006 Originally uploaded by KonomaigoThis is the cake I baked for my birthday. It was bloody tasty, it was. It isn't my prettiest cake, though. Also, I forgot the cherries. ;_;This came out of Best...
View ArticleCake #007: Mexican Chocolate Cake
cake_007.jpg Originally uploaded by KonomaigoThis cake was based on a request from redsouffle. I made it for my second Zombie Movie Night, and it worked out pretty well.The base was the standard...
View ArticleTextbooks are worthless?
I read this blogpost the other day about how textbooks are a massive ripoff.He's a marketer, so maybe that makes sense for him. But I still have many of my textbooks, and I still collect ones I like....
View ArticleSnapshot
A small boy, perhaps ten or eleven, stood at the edge of the street peering back and forth along the street as if something might jump out and gobble him up. His cheeks were smeared with dirt from...
View ArticleGoogle Wave, Update
I now have a Wave account. It is awesome.However, I have no invites. Apparently, you only get invites if you were invited by Google (rather than by friends). I'm certain this will change, and as I...
View Article'Space'
While I was thinking about this application of the architectural terms of negative and positive space, and simultaneously reading JT’s blog about the clutter of the online media and the expectations of...
View ArticleMusical World
I've posted the dancing in Antwerp station video before, and spread it as far and wide as I can. It remains my favorite youtube video, and it represents the best thing of the internet.These guys did...
View ArticleDancing
Originally uploaded by Noah KalinaDancing is a fabulous thing. Expansive movement, taking up space. I love to dance, to seize the joy in the world. Dancing is a form of joy, after all.This picture...
View ArticleDouble.jpg
Double.jpg Originally uploaded by KonomaigoPhotography again. I don't use people very often (as anyone who's checked out my stream knows). This was fun, though.This one is inspired by Kelli Connel....
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